Thursday, December 18, 2008

Shades prototype

Bleh walking around like a maniac but he can't see... Oh wait! Yes he can! He's gonna zap you up! Bring on the laser show!

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vitamin C

Get a healthy dose of vitamin C at Your Daily Bleh. Oh, and run for cover.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bavarian manouche

Yes he knows the hat's too small, but it belongs to Mathilde!

Ma mère, voici le temps venu
D'aller prier pour mon salut
Mathilde est revenue
Bougnat, tu peux garder ton vin
Ce soir je boirai mon chagrin
Mathilde est revenue
Toi la servante, toi la Maria
Vaudrait p't-être mieux changer nos draps
Mathilde est revenue
Mes amis, ne me laissez pas, non
Ce soir je repars au combat
Maudite Mathilde, puisque te v'là

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